Educational evaluation perspectives for Quality and Cultural Change in Older Adults Care


July 10, 2024    
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


An event promoted by the Erasmus+ Compass Community of Practice 

Leading in person-centered care implies the capacity to asses the consequences and impacts of practices adopted and innovations performed. In this regard, educational evaluation theories can provide a useful framework to guide coordinators and managers in care settings.

During the event we will explore how to apply educational evaluation theories to improve the quality of care and foster cultural change in care services. 

When: 10th of July 2024
Time: 15.00 – 16.30 (CET)*
Location: Zoom


15:00 – Welcome

15:10 – Introduction to the Compass project

15.20 – Keynote speech – Educational evaluation perspectives for Quality and Cultural Change in Older Adults Care
Prof. Elena Luppi, University of Bologna

15.50– Discussion

16.10- The Compass CoP & upcoming events

16.25 – Closing remarks

To attend please register for free from this link