The cores outcomes developed in the COMPASS project were:

Care managers as drivers of Person Centered Care
A multi-language, blended learning (meaning a combination of e-learning and face-to-face learning sessions) training package addressed to care managers across Europe.

The blended learning platform
An handbook with theoretical backgrounds and facilitation exercises
Report summarizing the results of the piloting of the training course
The replication guide – for the “Care Managers as Drivers of PCC” training course

Supporting reflexivity of care managers
A methodology to run online reflective groups of care managers committed to improve the PCC practices of their organizations, inspired by the “work discussion groups” (WDGs) methodology.

The benefits of joining the Compass WDG: a summary
Compass Work Discussion Groups: piloting report
Replication guide for the Work Discussion Groups Methodology to support reflexivity of care managers

Building and sharing practices
A digital Community of Practice for European care managers committed to improve the PCC practices of their organizations.

The digital Community of Practice for European care managers
Replication guide for the Community of Practice