Title in English: The Leadership standard
Short description in native language: Lo standard per la Leadership aiuta le figure aventi incarichi di responsabilità a raggiungere risultati di eccellenza a livello di leadership nell’ambito di organizzazioni sanitarie che intendono concretamente organizzare i propri servizi con un’impostazione caratterizzata dalla centralità del cliente e dei suoi familiari. I contenuti dello standard si basano sulla ricerca e sulle buone pratiche e si allineano al “Framework for the Analysis of Management in Health Care Organizations and Proposed Standards for Practice” (Quadro di riferimento per l’analisi gestionale delle organizzazioni sanitarie e standard pratici proposti) argomento analizzato e sviluppato da J.L. Denis et al. (2006).
Short description in English: The Leadership Standard helps those in positions of responsibility to achieve leadership excellence in health care organisations that concretely intend to organise their services in a client- and family-centred manner. The contents of the standard are based on research and good practice and are aligned with the “Framework for the Analysis of Management in Health Care Organisations and Proposed Standards for Practice” topic analysed and developed by J.L. Denis et al. (2006).
Country: Italy
Language of the resource: Italian
Type of resource: Policy reccomendation
Topic: Leadership in PCC
Standard per la leadership