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Marco para el desarrollo de la Atención Centrada en la Persona y la humanización de los apoyos y los cuidados en el ámbito de la gerontología
This document addresses specific issues to advance towards a new model of support and care in the field of gerontology, which considers all the needs, preferences, and life stages of the elderly individuals being served, as well as the social work professionals operating in this area.
Tags: Advance towards PCC
July 12, 2024
La atención centrada en la persona y el cuidado sin sujeciones
The person-centered care model stands as a pivotal catalyst for transformative shifts in gerontology. This article elucidates various models and underscores one paramount initiative: the elimination of restraints.
Critical thinking in nurse managers
Critical thinking can have a powerful influence on the decision making and problem solving that nurse managers are faced with on a daily basis. The skills that typify critical thinking include analysis, evaluation, inference, and deductive and inductive reasoning. It is intuitive that nurse managers require both the skills and the dispositions of critical thinking to be successful in this pivotal role at a time of transformation in health care.
Nonverbal Communication as an Essential Element of Patient-Centered Care
Tips about using nonverbal communcation abilities for an effective patient-centered care
Participatory design facilitates Person Centred Nursing in service improvement with older people: a secondary directed content analysis
Providing healthcare services that respect and meet patients’ and caregivers’ needs are essential in promoting positive care outcomes and perceptions of quality of care, thereby fulfilling a significant aspect of patient-centered care requirement.
Esta guía está dirigida al conjunto de profesionales de centros residenciales y pretende servir de apoyo para activar de manera respetuosa el proyecto de vida de las personas mayores que viven en residencias.
Tags: PCC implementation
July 11, 2024
DEMWELL: well-being in dementia
E-learning and on-the-job training that accompanies the care team on a daily basis to apply the Person-Centred Approach to people living with dementia.
Let’s talk about person-centred care | Caring with Confidence: The Code in Action
This animation discusses person-centered care and what it means for healthcare professionals
O Impacto da Liderança no Desempenho Organizacional em Contexto de Pandemia Caso de estudo da Residência Sénior Avós Arco-íris
This study seeks to understand the impact of leadership on the organisational performance of a residential facility for the elderly (ERPI), in a pandemic context, through the analysis of information and emotions transcribed by the members involved in the investigation, and the degree of satisfaction of the direct action assistants (AADs) with the institution’s leadership. A mixed methodological approach was adopted, based on the theoretical framework developed in a case study. This resulted in the following question: With the impact of the pandemic crisis, is the role of the ERPI leader considered significant in influencing and motivating employees? Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the democratic leadership style was adopted, given the pandemic context and the adversities experienced. The technical management has played a fundamental role in the general well-being of the institution, in troubled times, and there has been unity among the multidisciplinary group with a common goal, the well-being of the older person.
March 27, 2024
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